Friday, May 1, 2009

Phone Boxes Are Go!

So we've started preproduction on a new documentary called ByeByeNow. ('We' is the lovely Aideen O'Sullivan and, of course, me). The film is to be a tribute the humble phone box - it was so central to Irish life and now it is to be consigned to the scrapheap.

The film is to be an anecdotal history - we're going to weave together stories from ordinary people to give a sense of the history and to show how important they were in Irish life. The film is to be a celebration... and not a criticism of the strategy of out national phone provider. I, for one, haven't used a phone box for years myself but I still think it's fascinating the part they played in Irish life.

For years there would be lines of people down the street on Christmas Day as everyone in turn rang their relatives in Australia or America.

We've already come across some good stories - like the one about the sportscaster doing his commentary from a phone box - but we're on the look out for many more stories.

The film will be 12-minutes long and was funded by the Irish Film Board. I think it's going to turn out great.

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